Methamphetamine Addiction Symptoms
Methamphetamine Addiction Treatment: Expert Weighs In On Crystal Meth
How many of us are aware of the adverse effects of methamphetamine addiction, also called crystal meth addiction? In addition to being associated with serious psychological disorders, methamphetamine abuse and addiction can also damage physical health, relationships, employment opportunities, and much more. Fortunately, there are several treatment options for crystal meth addiction available that can help you or your loved one overcome meth addiction once and for all. In this article, we’ll examine some of the most important facts about methamphetamine dependence treatment and what questions you should ask your Manhattan NYC addiction psychiatrist to ensure that it’s right for you or your loved one.
Why Is There an Increase in Methamphetamine Addiction?
Methamphetamine is a stimulant that produces a high similar to amphetamine and cocaine, but it also causes feelings of euphoria, paranoia, anxiety, and confusion. Crystal meth can produce serious side effects including convulsions and fatal heart attacks. Although methamphetamine isn’t as popular as other hard drugs such as heroin or cocaine, some experts are concerned that meth use is on the rise. According to Business Insider, there was a 745 percent increase in state seizures of meth labs from 2003 to 2013. Moreover, according to an Arizona Department of Health Services report cited by Business Insider, about 40 percent of people entering rehab for drug addiction reported methamphetamine as their primary substance of abuse in 2010.
How Does Crystal Meth Impact the Brain?
Methamphetamines and Crystal Meth are both powerful stimulants and impact the brain in similar ways. Users feel a rush of intense euphoria—an intense sense of pleasure or excitement. This high is often accompanied by increased activity, rapid breathing, increased blood pressure and heart rate, high body temperature, and anxiety. Studies have shown that meth causes structural changes in areas of the brain associated with decision-making, reward, learning, and memory. These impacts are long-lasting; users may experience memory loss and declines in cognitive function for years after stopping Crystal Meth use.

The longer you use methamphetamines (including Crystal Meth), the more severe these symptoms tend to be. What’s even worse is that many people don’t realize they have a problem until the addiction has been going on for a long time. For example, research has found that there are some subtle signs of addiction even when you haven’t yet developed full-blown dependence on Crystal Meth. While drug cravings can be hard to spot if you’re not looking for them, some addicts report having uncontrollable urges as early as three days into their first cycle of using methamphetamines (including Crystal Meth). What does uncontrollable urge mean? Imagine being unable to sleep or focus on daily tasks because your mind just won’t stop racing and instead focuses on thoughts about getting high again.
Common Symptoms of Methamphetamine Addiction
Methamphetamine can increase a person’s energy and alertness. Methamphetamine is considered a stimulant because it increases focus and attention and under controlled circumstances may improve performance. For example, students have been known to use stimulants like methamphetamine, Adderall, and caffeine to study long hours before exams. Another common sign of Methamphetamine abuse or addiction is mood swings, also called mood lability, due to sudden changes in personality or attitude. This isn’t exactly depression, but rather symptoms that are not normal for an individual. Again, these symptoms are often associated with over-stimulation from methamphetamine. Some other symptoms of crystal meth addiction include:
- Weight loss
- Insomnia
- Decreased appetite
- Anxiety
- Paranoia (feeling excessively suspicious)
Who Should Seek Treatment for an Addiction to Crystal Meth?
If you’re reading the news, listening to podcasts, or watching informative videos about methamphetamine addiction, it’s probably because you know someone who is addicted to meth. It’s important to remember that their addiction isn’t their fault – no one chooses to become addicted to crystal meth. There are many things at play that can drive a person towards an addiction. Childhood trauma and abuse are not uncommon for people who become addicted to drugs (and even more so for those who become addicted to methamphetamine). A genetic predisposition could also be a factor. Regardless of how they got there, people with addiction need help – they need treatment. If your loved one isn’t showing signs of improvement, it might be time for them to seek treatment with an addiction psychiatrist in Manhattan, NYC for their methamphetamine addiction.
Can You Treat a Crystal Meth Addiction Without Hospitalization?

You may have heard that hospitalization or residential treatment is necessary to treat addiction. Hospitalization can be helpful, especially in treating drug and alcohol detox. But, most patients can and should be treated in a private, office-based setting. With an addiction psychiatrist in private practice in Manhattan, NYC, you will have access to expert care without leaving your home or office and without excessive wait times. The ability to continue working during treatment increases the successful completion of treatment for meth addiction and for other drug addictions. For example, one study found that office-based treatment had a similar rate of success as hospitalization at 90 percent. It’s safe to say that most methamphetamine addictions can benefit from outpatient treatment. As long as a patient has no serious, acute underlying medical conditions requiring inpatient care.
Begin Meth Addiction Treatment in New York, NY
Recognizing the symptoms of meth addiction is only the first step in your recovery journey. As an online psychiatrist in New York, NY, I understand the difficulty clients experience when working to overcome their symptoms. This is why I’m happy to offer both in-person and online psychiatric services from my NYC, Manhattan-based practice. To start your therapy journey, please follow these simple steps:
- Contact Stephen Gilman, MD
- Learn more about me and my approach to meth addiction treatment
- Start overcoming your addiction symptoms
Other Services Offered with Stephen Gilman, MD – Addiction Psychiatrist in NYC, Manhattan
Meth addiction treatment isn’t the only service I provide at my NYC, Manhattan-based therapy practice. I am happy to offer a variety of services to support your mental health. Other services offered include opioid addiction treatment, general psychiatry, young adult psychiatry, adult psychiatry, and alcohol addiction treatment. I’m also happy to offer prescription drug addiction treatment, cocaine addiction, and meth addiction treatment. As well as behavioral addiction treatment, PTSD treatment, drug addiction treatment, and marijuana addiction treatment. Learn more about me or visit my blog for more helpful info.