Cocaine Treatment for Addiction Cravings
Treatment for Cocaine Addiction: What Works and What Doesn’t

To understand cocaine addiction treatment, you first need to understand cocaine’s effect on the brain and body. This drug, which is also known as coke, crack, and rock, can be smoked, snorted, or injected into the bloodstream. It delivers a high that causes increased energy levels and euphoria – but only temporarily. This triggers intense cocaine cravings that can make it difficult to stop without addiction psychiatrist Manhattan, NYC assistance. Cocaine can be highly addictive because it not only stimulates dopamine activity in the brain but also blocks its reuptake. This raises dopamine levels for prolonged periods of time. As a result, this can lead to cravings that can last long after the high from the drug has worn off.
Understanding Cocaine Addiction and Cocaine Cravings
Cocaine is a powerful stimulant. It is derived from the coca plant that can trigger strong cocaine cravings and subsequent cocaine addiction. It produces feelings of euphoria, increased energy, and heightened alertness. Cocaine is very addictive. People who use it can quickly develop a tolerance. As a result, they need more and more of the drug to get the same effects. Withdrawal symptoms can be severe and can include depression, anxiety, fatigue, irritability, and cocaine cravings. There are no specific medications FDA approved specifically for treating cocaine addiction. But, there are treatments that can help manage withdrawal symptoms and cocaine cravings. Stephen Gilman, MD, an addiction psychiatrist in Manhattan, NYC, can help design a cocaine treatment plan that meets your needs.
These may include individual or group therapy sessions, family therapy sessions, or residential treatment (living at the facility). Cocaine treatment may also involve behavioral therapies such as relapse prevention or motivational interviewing. Medications may also be prescribed as part of your cocaine addiction treatment regimen if necessary; these drugs typically fall into two categories – those that help with cocaine cravings (including bupropion) and those that help with depression and anxiety (including SSRIs).
The Effects of Cocaine Use

Cocaine is a very addictive substance that can have devastating effects on a person’s life. Treatment for cocaine addiction is essential for those who want to overcome their addiction and live a healthy, cocaine-free life. There are many different cocaine addiction treatments available. But, not all of them are effective. Stephen Gilman, MD, an addiction psychiatrist in Manhattan, NYC states that common cocaine withdrawal symptoms include cravings, anxiety, depression, and fatigue.
Cocaine addiction medications can help to reduce these symptoms and make the detox and recovery process easier. But, it is important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for cocaine addiction treatment. Every person is different and will respond to different treatments in different ways. If you or someone you know is struggling with a cocaine addiction, it is important to seek professional help from an experienced addiction psychiatrist.
Diagnosing a Cocaine Addiction
In order to diagnose a cocaine addiction, an addiction treatment trained psychiatrist will deep dive into an individual’s drug use history and symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms may include anxiety, depression, fatigue, irritability, and insomnia. Cocaine cravings can be intense and difficult to manage. Medications may be used to help with withdrawal symptoms and cravings. But, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to treating cocaine addiction. The most effective treatment for cocaine addiction includes some combination of detoxification, psychotherapy, education, treatment of all co-occurring medical conditions, and ongoing support in a safe, addiction recovery-oriented environment.
Detoxification removes the physical effects of cocaine from the body and relieves unpleasant cocaine withdrawal symptoms. Motivational Enhancement Psychotherapy (MET) and Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy (CBT) are two of the most powerful forms of psychotherapy Dr. Gilman uses. They have a powerful track record of helping promote cocaine recovery and diminish cocaine cravings. Psychoeducation helps individuals understand how cocaine affects their body, why they use it, and how they can stop using it without relapse. Ongoing support such as 12-step programs or self-help groups provides a community for people in recovery from substance abuse disorders who are still working on rebuilding their lives after getting sober.
Relapse Prevention Strategies in Cocaine Treatment
Cocaine addiction is a serious problem that requires professional treatment. There are many different cocaine treatment options available. But, not all of them are effective. Cocaine withdrawal symptoms can be difficult to manage, but there are medications that can help. An addiction psychiatrist in Manhattan, NYC with specialized expertise in treating cocaine addiction can help you develop a treatment plan that will work for you.

Ongoing relapse prevention is an important part of treatment. There are several strategies that can help you stay on track. When working with Dr. Gilman you set goals that will keep you motivated and on track for your cocaine addiction recovery. Setting goals with your therapist or addiction specialist is one way to stay motivated. Distracting yourself from cravings by doing things like exercising, socializing with sober support, and learning tools to blunt down the intensity of cravings are also great ways to manage the intensity of your cocaine cravings. Finally, using distractions like meditation or therapy can really help when you feel triggered by someone or something in your environment. It’s normal to slip up once in a while. But, it’s important not to use cocaine again if you want to truly recover from cocaine addiction and overcome cocaine addiction relapse syndrome.
Begin Cocaine Treatment in New York, NY
Managing and overcoming cravings is much easier said than done. I’m happy to offer support in setting new goals and helping you realize a brighter future. I’m also happy to offer support from my NYC, Manhattan-based therapy practice and across the state. To start your therapy journey, please follow these simple steps:
- Contact Stephen Gilman, MD
- Learn more about me and my approach to treatment
- Start overcoming your cravings!
Other Services Offered with Stephen Gilman, MD – Addiction Psychiatrist in NYC, Manhattan
Cocaine treatment isn’t the only service offered by my New York, NY-based therapy practice. I’m happy to offer a variety of mental health services in support of your mental health. Other services offered include general psychiatry, young adult psychiatry, and adult psychiatry. I’m also happy to offer prescription drug addiction treatment, alcohol addiction treatment and meth addiction treatment, behavioral addiction treatment, PTSD treatment, drug addiction treatment, and marijuana addiction treatment. Learn more about me or visit my blog for more helpful info.